3 Health Issues You Should Bring Up To Your Gynecologist

Posted on: 17 July 2020

Some issues can be difficult to talk about, but your health should be a priority and you should discuss anything going on with your health that is worrying you. One of these things is your feminine health. Although these may feel like a difficult topic, you should feel safe and unafraid to bring them up to your gynecologist. Prolonging some of these issues without getting treatment could result in a worsening health condition. Read on for a few health issues you should bring up to your gynecologist.

1. Foul Smelling Or Discolored Discharge

If you have a foul smell or odd-colored discharge, it could be the sign of an infection. A yeast infection or vaginal infection can cause both of these issues, in addition to a general discomfort while doing activities, sitting, going to the bathroom, or even during sex. If you have an infection, you need to have it treated to prevent it from worsening. Talk to your gynecologist about what steps you should take to treat your infection. If it's minor, it can sometimes be treated with simply cleaning yourself properly, while worse infections need to be treated with antibiotics.

2. Severe Cramping

If you are experiencing severe cramps while on your period, before your period, or throughout the month, these cramps could simply be a bad period, or you could have some other issues. You may have large blood clots, that can cause painful cramping, or you could have endometriosis, which can be very painful. If you are experiencing severe cramping, talk to your gynecologist, and get an exam to see what could be going on.

3. Pain While Having Sex

If you are having a lot of pain while having sex, it could be from a few different issues. One issue could be that you could be experiencing vaginal dryness and may need to use an artificial lubricant to prevent vaginal tears. Another issue could potentially be an STD, genital warts or herpes could cause pain during sex, as can an infection. You should have a gynecology exam to rule out an STD and infection, or to have them treated.

If you are experiencing any of these health concerns, talk to your gynecologist about them. Your gynecologist is there to discuss these feminine issues, so don't be afraid to discuss them. Going without treatment if necessary can turn into an entirely different health situation, so talk about these issues and have them treated.


Spotlight on Reproductive Health

When I was growing up, I always knew that I wanted to have children, but I wanted to wait until I had graduated from college and had a stable career to have one. One I was married and settled down, we began attempting to conceive, but with no luck. I almost gave up on having a child before I even consulted my OBGYN about my problem. She gave me many helpful tips for conceiving and after following her tips, I finally became pregnant with my first child! I think that more women need to become informed about their reproductive health and what affects it, so I decided to start a blog to share tips my OBGYN has given me and advice about other female health topics that I have learned since. I hope I can help you learn more about female health!


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